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Our Ministries

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Food Ministry

Welcome to the Little Food Pantry, a community initiative by the Food Ministry Team designed to help neighbors in need. Just like a mini library, our pantry encourages you to "Take what you need, leave what you can." Whether you have extra food to share or require some assistance, we invite you to participate in this caring exchange. Together, we can foster a spirit of generosity and support within our community. Anyone may access the LFP at any time. No application required


Suggested donations are non-perishable items that are both nutritious and easy to prepare. Great options include canned goods like tuna, chicken, beans, vegetables, and fruits, as well as pasta sauce,  pasta, rice, cereal, and peanut butter.


Don't forget our Pet Pantry for neighbors in need, here are some donation ideas:-pet food, treats, and toys. Additionally, consider donating pet grooming supplies, bowls, collars, and leashes. Your generosity can make a real difference in the lives of pets and their families in our community!


Music Ministry

Our music ministry is a vital part of our community, bringing us together through the power of worship and song. It means creating an atmosphere where everyone can connect with their faith and express their spirituality. Through music, we share our stories, uplift one another, and foster a sense of belonging. It is a joyful expression of our devotion and a means to inspire hope and love in community.. We are grateful for all of our devoted choir members and all of their dedication to our music program.


If anyone is interested in joining our choir please let Pastor Diane know.


Bible Study

We meet on Thursdays at 7 p.m. on Zoom.

(Contact us for Zoom info)


Pastor Diane leads the study,


“The Present Word,” with a study guide

(no advance preparation required; let the office know if you would like a copy of the study guide).


The winter season is focused on A King Forever and Ever.


Sunday School

Welcome to Sunday School! We are excited to have you join us as we explore the teachings and stories that inspire our faith. Our program is designed for children to learn, grow, and have fun in a nurturing environment. 


Extended Sunday School is from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Class is from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Our Sunday School teacher is Eliana.

You can stay for our service and coffee or you can drop your child off.


We would love to have new members. 




Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday school class from 9 to 9:45 a.m. on Facebook Live with a discussion group. This group is studying the book of Hebrews by David Jeremiah


Now is the time to stop trying to save yourself and let the Savior save you. Now is the time to lean your full weight on Jesus. Now is the time to step into his love and allow him to transform you from the inside out.


Adult Sunday School  is on break Memorial Day through Labor Day.


If you are interested in joining contact Joe Zaborney at


                       We would love to have new members. 


Wednesday Fellowship & Bible Study

Wednesdays from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. in the friendship room. Coffee and tea are available. You can bring your lunch! This groups is studying Unshakable Hope - Building Our Lives on the Promises of God    By: Max Lucado


Leader: Pastor Diane


January 22                             Session 2: God Will Win the Victory


January 29                             Session 3: You Are an Heir of God


February 5                             Session 4: Your Prayers Have Power


February 12                           Session 5: God Gives Grace to the Humble


February 19                           Session 6: God Gets You


February 26                           Session 7: Jesus Is Praying for You


March 5                                  Session 8: Death Has Been Defeated

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Write Us

About Us
Contact Us

303 Maplewood Ave

Clifton, New Jersey 07013


Phone - 973-523-1272


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Sunday Service: 10 am


Office Hours:

Mon - Thurs 8 am - 1 pm

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